How to Transfer Ownership in Squarespace: A Step-by-Step Guide for Inviting Contributors and Transferring Site Ownership

Unlocking seamless website management in Squarespace is as simple as inviting a contributor and transferring site ownership. Learn how to take these essential steps in just a few clicks to ensure smooth collaboration and effective website management.

  1. Begin by Inviting a Contributor:
    A.) Navigate to Settings > Permissions > Select the Invite Contributor button
    B.) In the Invite Contributor Pop Up:
    Enter the Contributor’s Name, Email Address and enable the Administrator toggle.

  2. The contributor will receive an email invitation from Squarespace, which they must accept to become a Contributor and participate in the website transfer process.

  3. Once the contributor confirms, they will gain access to the website. To transfer ownership, return to the Permissions panel.
    Settings > Permissions

  4. You will now find the new contributor listed in the Permissions panel. Next to their name, you’ll see a ‘Transfer Ownership’ button. Click on this button.

  5. This action will lead you to the ‘Transfer Site Ownership’ pop up. Under ‘Choose a contributor to be the new site owner,’ select the name of the Contributor and then click the ‘Transfer Ownerhip’ button.

    That concludes the process. You’ve successfully learned how to invite a contributor and transfer site ownership in Squarespace.


We are a Graphic and Web Design company in Orange County, California. We focus on creating impactful and visually compelling solutions that drive business growth and elevate brand identity.

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